30 April 2013

(DAY 9)

Wow. I am all over the place today.  On a roller coaster.

I woke up to find no weight change = grumpy face.  Waiting patiently for magnesium to kick in.  I also think this is some psychological response to finally being 142 or less, which is a magical/angry number for me (yes, Lisa, a number which is your fault and unfortunately is one of those things towards which I will always hold a grudge).

THEN, I went and checked my email (because God forbid I wait until I get to work), and YAY Korean school has officially offered me the job / sent me a contract!!!  ^______^

Was very late to work... then spent time at work looking over the contract, sending questions/concerns to my recruiter/the school, and forwarding good news to my parents.  Because of this, didn't have much prep time for class (to which I was also late), which stressed me out but turned out okay because we didn't actually discuss the reading.  Instead we did small group consultations for our degree projects - and I got a lot of good ideas about my project.

Time for tea before next class.  Hello Smooth Move.  And time for an apple, because I didn't have vinegar with which to dress my lettuce, so I didn't want to eat my "lunch."  I wish now that I had.  Found out I inadvertently pissed off my dad with communications.

Next class very fun.  However, I started to get more jittery/weak feeling - which is kind of what I get in place of hunger now - probably all low blood sugar symptoms.

Back to work - already feeling v. accomplished, although still a little unhappy physiologically.

Am also reviewing Dad's contract feedback. Am alternately feeling stupid for sending such a hasty response to the recruiter, and relatively justified because I feel like I addressed most of his concerns already, or already know the answers to the ones that I didn't.

I'm pretty happy I just get to go home tonight.  Even if I do just get to go home and write a memo and work on my degree project.

Captain's Log, stardate 2013.430
Wakeup: (6:30am, 6 hours of sleep)
Snack (11:00am)
- apple
Lunch (1:45pm)
- chicken
- lettuce'n'vinegar
Dinner (7:30pm)
- beef
- kale chips
Snack (0:00pm)
- oops
Bedtime (12:00am)
Water: 48oz
Tea: 66oz

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