29 April 2013


Monday, Monday. I've been singing the silly Mommas & Poppas song all morning. Which is stupid, because it's a very "pro-Monday morning" kind of song, and I am emphatically "no-no-Monday morning" song. Actually, now that I'm listening to the whole song... it's a little confusing. Do they like Mondays or not? They seem to be okay with mornings at first, but then later they say you can find them "crying all of the time" on Mondays...

This is a typical thing for me to do on Monday morning - ignore reality by getting overly involved in pop song lyrics.

Things are good so far. Haven't felt hungry at all the past couple of days - yay!  Need to have more regular bowel movements, sans Smooth Move tea ('cause that's more cramping than I need in my life, thankyouverymuch), so Doctor says magnesium at night. So back to the Whole Foods vitamin section I go!

Yeah, today was definitely a 7.  I think eating earlier helped - I actually had lunch at 11, and dinner around 5.  Also, helps me get to bed a little earlier, potentially.  ^__^

Captain's Log, stardate 2013.429
Wakeup: (6:30am, 6 hours of sleep)
Lunch (11:00am)
- halibut w/pepper & dill
- kale chips w/onion powder
Snack (3:30pm)
- hard-boiled egg white
Dinner (5:30pm)
- chicken
- lettuce'n'vinegar
Snack 8:00pm
- apple
Bedtime (12:00am)
Water: 96oz
Tea: 68oz

Also, just because it's awesome, here's an amazing version of "I Say a Little Prayer" by Aretha Franklin.  Complete with awkward/bad youtube slideshow.


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