26 April 2013


My nose seems big today. And my chin is exploding.  But otherwise, today feels very similar to yesterday.  Doctor recommends eating a handful of vegetables in the morning and taking some liver-boosting vitamins, so I'll work on that over the weekend.

Captain's Log, stardate 2013.426
Wakeup: 6:15am (7:15 hours of sleep)
Snack (12:15pm)
- apple
Lunch (2:00pm)
- chicken breast
- lettuce'n'vinegar
Dinner (7:30pm)
- eggs*
- cucumber/lemon smoothie (much less gross)
Snack (9:30)
- strawberries
Bedtime: 12:15a
Water count: 112oz
Tea count: 52oz

*HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS EGGS ARE LIKE THE BEST THING EVER.  Mostly because I got to cook them fresh (I had pre-cooked all my other meat), and because they expand so it seemed like there were more of them.  Even though they're mostly egg whites (3 eggs, but only 1 yolk).


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