27 April 2013


Restocking day.  It is so unbelievably easy to spend $100 in Whole Foods, especially if you're buying vitamins.  And top sirloin beef (the only beef I'm allowed to eat).  The cat's diet is improving a lot from this as well, as he gets all my meat scraps from trimming things to 4oz.  And there's lettuce/greens in the kitchen again, which send him through the roof.  Seriously, he gets more excited for spinach than he does for catnip.

Also, I love my broiler.  Why did I never use the broiler feature on an oven before this year?  It is amazing and fast. ^_^

So, bought the liver support vitamins that Doctor recommended - hopefully those will help me feel a little better.  Again, it's not like I feel particularly bad, it's just that I don't feel wonderful.  I'm like a 6.5 on the feel good scale, and I would like to be more in the 7-9 range.  9-10 doesn't really happen unless I get to crossfit, so I'm not shooting for 10s.  SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE.  Really, 6.5 just means I don't get to my normal level of happy/peppy/excitable, etc.  It leaves me feeling a bit like I'm pretending to be Margot Tennenbaum, which is not really my normal state of affairs.

Anyway, I'll let you know some real numbers tomorrow.

Captain's Log, stardate 2013.427
Wakeup: (10:00am, 9.75 hours of sleep)
Snack (2:20pm)
- apple
Lunch (3:30pm)
- beeeeef
- lettuce'n'vinegar
Dinner (10:00pm)
- chicken (w/curry & garam masala)
- kale chips
Snack (0:00pm)
- uhm, didn't eat this
Bedtime (1:15am)
Water: 106
Tea: 42


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