30 May 2013

(DAY 2.11)

So when I was little, I used to forget to chew my food.  And then I'd forget to swallow it.  I would put it in my mouth and chew it a little bit, but then I would just stop and kind of suck on it and daydream until one of my parents interjected with, "Riley - CHEW!"  Or, for some reason with the case of french fries, I would continue to put them in my mouth and kind of half chew them, but not really realize it until I had my face stuffed with somewhere between 8-12 fries, suddenly realizing that I couldn't really get anything else in my face.

So the french fry thing doesn't really help me much.

But the sitting and sucking on your food is a really great technique if you've only got paltry amounts to work with, which is the case for the higher density meats that I get, i.e. beef and veal. Also, beef is like my favorite flavor ever, so sucking all that flavor out of the protein before I send it down seems like a pretty great thing to do.

You get that arm!!!  Jonghyun's such a stupid dinosaur.

Captain's Log, stardate 2013.5.30
Wakeup: (6:15am, 4.75 hours of sleep)
- beef (11:00am)
- tilapia (8:15pm)
- baked apple (9:30pm)
Bedtime (11:30pm)
Water: 32+32oz
Tea: 16+16+28+16+16+16oz
(green, market spice, barley, lemon echinachea, market spice, sleepytime)

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