Because cheater/Star Trek night felt so great, and I was bored at 8:30 and couldn't figure out what to do with the rest of my night last night - I said to myself, "Hey! Let's re-create the awesome that was Wednesday night - because seeing Star Trek again actually sounds pretty great! And I've got time I can walk all the way to the theater and practice my walking!* And I'm still on my period so maybe it won't count!"
So I went to the store, and bought a half-size dark chocolate bar and a Kit-Kat. And then I walked to the theater, which admittedly was a pretty great idea. THE POPCORN and CHOCOLATE were NOT GOOD IDEAS. Just because you get away with it once, does NOT mean you should try it again. Especially because my brilliant contingency plan was coming home and drinking extra magnesium so that maybe I could push it all out before my system had time to absorb any of it. RIGHT BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE.

Ugh, I fucking hate how clear hindsight is.
Anyway, as I was chowing down on popcorn and chocolate I could tell, this was a poooooor decision. And the movie finished and I decided to jog to the little flex-car to drive myself home - that was a pretty good little jog, actually - uphill, etc. Made it home and drank my magnesium WITHOUT STIRRING IT WELL ENOUGH. HEY KIDS, ALWAYS STIR YOUR MAGNESIUM DRINK. Because otherwise it bloats up your stomach and makes you all burpy and heartburn-y to the point where you have to pile 3 pillows behind you so that you're vertical enough that all that foamy shit you just drank has some idea of the basic direction it's supposed to be following through your system. And that's after you've shat out what was left in your system so that it has space to push everything else through.
I woke up feeling pretty shitty still. Standing up just made me feel like I was going to throw up. And I DIDN'T have some fabulous cleansing and relieving bowel movement like I had hoped. I felt bad enough that I decided to be late to work because I just kept needing to curl up in bed in a fetal position.
Also, apparently eating all that extra food made me completely NOT HUNGRY today. Maybe that's good? I dunno. I guess we'll find out tomorrow morning on the scale.
Captain's Log, stardate 2013.517
Wakeup: (7:30am, 5.5 hours of sleep)
- beef (1:00pm)
- beef (12:00am)
- strawberries (12:00am)
Bedtime (2:00am)
Water: 16oz
Tea: 16+16+16oz
(green, chai, market spice)
*Yes. I'm someone who practices walking. It's what happens to you when you see a posture & movement specialist.
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