28 May 2013

(DAY 2.9)

So this morning was kind of a wtf moment - because the scale decided to jump UP 3 pounds?!?


I felt kind of oddly bloated last night so I'm not super surprised, but I am confused.  I think maybe I've been over-doing it on vitamins / vitamins-in-water or something.  So I'm hoping its mostly water weight or something and it will go away by tomorrow.

It also may be my body saying "hey you're not getting enough calories" and trying to store up fat, so I will endeavor to eat my vegetables today, which I've been neglecting for the past few days.


So, like, for once in my life I would like to have calves small enough to allow me to wear moon boots. I know that they're ridiculous, but I want / love them anyways:


Nehbermind. I think I figured it out - I'd skewed my internal clock so much over the last three days that my body still assumed it was the middle of the night when I weighed myself this morning. Now that it's wake-up time and I've appropriately emptied my bowels, I feel much lighter :P
Yep.  Just weighed myself at 8:30pm and had dropped the 3 pounds. I manage to fuck myself up time-wise SO BAD on 3-day weekends.

Captain's Log, stardate 2013.5.28
Wakeup: (6:15am, 6.5 hours of sleep)
- 1/4 apple (7:00am)
- beef (10:45am)
- tilapia (8:45pm)
- baked apple (9:30pm)
Bedtime (11:30pm)
Water: 32+16oz
Tea: 16+16+16+16+16+20oz
(market spice, green, barley, barley, barley, sleepytime )

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